06 January 2005

small group church

For some time now I have felt that I would like to see church premises that facilitated small group work. My concept was like one of the spaces at the Hayes Conference Centre: large er central space for whole assembly meeting with lots of glazed-off side spaces for small group meetings. Steve has gone one better with ...

where the whole church paradigm is that of a party in a house. I like this idea though I would still like to be able to find a way for everyone together -perhaps one large room which nevertheless works as a set of smaller group areas? Club dance floor and chill out rooms? ALternatively one could network the rooms to pull everything together on those occasions when you wanted to do so. Of course, I guess that part of the point for Steve's design is to 'force' networking and small groupery. The other issue though might be how other forms of gathering might work: what if the old sing-along is wanted?
Well here's the idea set out textually:

What it makes clear is that I'm aiming for something where people share some space at roughly the same time: this concept is less 'together' than that. However, I do want to hold out for some expression of community in shared mutual 'facework' ...

Small Ritual

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Formation for participraying

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