20 April 2005

Benedict XVI: Some background

If you want a bit more lowdown on the tenor of the man that is to be pope, this is helpful. "His conservative actions include a letter of advice last year to U.S. bishops on denying communion to politicians who support abortion rights, which some observers viewed as a slam at then Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry. He also accused the media of fueling the priest sex abuse scandals of recent years. 'I am personally convinced,' he one told an interviewer, 'that the constant presence in the press of the sins of Catholic priests, especially in the U.S., is a planned campaign.' And Sister Jeannine Gramick, a nun who he ordered to stop ministering to gays and lesbians in the United States, called his election 'devastating' for those who believe the Catholic Church needs to be more tolerant."

We should recall too that he is the guy mainly responsible for preventing Hans Kűng from teaching at Roman Catholic institutions and making sure that the party line is toed on doctrinal issues. So he will continue the conservatism of the last pope but without the charisma, I suspect. I suspect that what the liberaller RC cardinals are hoping that without a charismatic, personable face, the conservative approach will pall quickly. I personally think that he has been chosen in essence to be a short-term caretaker pope while the RC church takes stock of the legacy of John-Paul II. We'll have to see, of course; man proposes, God disposes.
Benedict XVI: German cardinal elected pope - Election of a pope - MSNBC.com:

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