10 May 2005

God's iPod

What more shall I say; a couple of my track recommendations are there. IT's intresting to see the mix from overtly religious to outrightly secular -mine are in the latter category. The brief we had was to share some tracks that had moved us to worship. For me the two tracks concerned had touched off inside me a 'joy that knows no limit', ie I had sensed that worshipful move within me on some of the occasions of listening. The first -Valley of the dolls- is an instrumental which is simply joyful, in my view. The second has as the only lyric a sample from Judy Tzuke, something like 'That game you play, play it with my heart' which I did find had prayerful interpretations and an interesting meditation about God as game-player, funster. What was it CS Lewis said? -'God whispers to us in our pleasures ...'. Being as at college this term the main communion readings and sermons are about the Song of Songs, I'm reflecting more than averagely about pleasure in spirituality, so it's an interesting meditation...
God's iPod

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