04 June 2005

China Discovers Paul Hawken?

Hmm another 'watch this space' article. China is probably one of the most polluted areas of the world and it's of grave convern to the PRC government. "The Chinese government has been trying a new way of doing things, what it calls a 'circular economy'. There are few details about what exactly it is that they are doing, and I could be reading too much into this, but there are reasons to believe that it is along the lines of what enviro-thinker Paul Hawken was describing in The Ecology of Commerce (great book, highly recommended!). Lines like this one are encouraging: 'A circular economy, the most efficient use of energy and resources, is being widely promoted as a way to address a widely held view that economic development and environmental protection are often at odds with each other.'"

It remains to be seen whether they are really going down this line, but given how bad things are and the realisation that China is going to be badly off in a globaly warmed world along with everyone else, I reckon that they are very likely to be giving it a go ...

Treehugger: China Discovers Paul Hawken?: [:China::economy:]

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