28 June 2005

Jesus - youth 'superhero'

A recent survey of British children gave me a pleasant surprise. "They also identify Jesus as the figure who most represents what it means to be a 'superhero', followed closely by Florence Nightingale and David Beckham. Asked what makes a superhero, 92 per cent say he or she would 'stop bad things happening', 91 per cent say a superhero 'is generally a good guy', and 90 per cent say they would 'tell the truth'.

Probably a testament to having religion on the national curriculum, it reminded me of a report I thought I recalled a while back of something similar where Jesus didn't figure. The Torygraph article has little real detail and no reference such as would direct the curious to the survey, so it is hard to know enough to comment more. I'd like to know things llike the questions, the sample, the actual stats ...

Telegraph | News | Jesus joins Beckham as youth 'superhero':"

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...