22 August 2005

Art and spirituality

Adbusters asked its readers"Is spirituality central to a responsible and relevant social role for art?
And the answer...
"YES: 61% - NO: 39%"

And I think that as Christians in mission we would do well to engage with one of the comments quoted;
"Art needs to connect with people to be effective. This connection ideally occurs on all levels of human existence. It is hard to believe that something with aesthetic merit alone will fill any role involving social change. It must capture the thoughts of the receiver, engage their brain, make them think. It must engage the senses of the receiver, be seen, heard, touched if possible, make them experience. It must also move the spirit of the receiver, create and re-forge symbolic and cultural pathways. It must make them feel."
Adbusters : The Art Fart Survey:

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Formation for participraying

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