22 August 2005

Greenbelt - Talk

I've just had word of whom I should be escorting at Greenbelt:
Richard Rohr: 6pm Fri, 5pm Sat, and 9-12 Mon
James Jones: 12 Sat, 3pm Sat
Richard Giles: 8pm Sat and 7.30pm Sun
So those might be good times to catch me if you'd also like to meet one of those people! But be aware; I may have to move them to another venue quickly.
My duties seem to leave me free most of Friday afternoon, Saturday morning, Sonday afternoon and Monday afternoon, so do get in touch if you'll be there and fancy a cuppa. I'll give you my mobile number if you email me for it! I'm a gmailer and pre-at as "andiibowsher".

Greenbelt - Talks Section

1 comment:

Dr Moose said...

As another blogger and GBer I will try to look out for you - if my tickets arrive in time of course!!

Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...