10 August 2005

Top-up fees will deter students, survey reveals

As a father of children who are planning on going to university starting next year, and being a low-income family at the moment, I am not surprised at the results of this survey, I was more surprised that they hadn't shown up sooner.
"'This survey gives the first glimpse at the massive negative impact of fees,' said the Liberal Democrat education spokesman, Ed Davey. 'There's a real danger that we could see university applications falling next year for the first time for years.'"
In chaplaincy, I watched a number of people struggling with the effects of debt and how it affected their work. And given that good results are needed to best recoup the premium that a degree is supposed to confer in the jobs market (but increasingly may not). The arguments for increasing HE participation are usually about the benefits to our nation... hmmm.
EducationGuardian.co.uk | Students | Top-up fees will deter students, survey reveals:

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...