06 November 2005

Paternoster rosary 3.4 - Romans 8:32

He who did not withhold his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, will he not with him also give us everything else?

This sentence tends to make me think, when I'm praying the daily bread round on the paternoster rosary, of how much there is in our lives that we do not own, earn or even deserve but which enriches us and keeps us well and sane and even brings us joy: the air we breathe, the view, sun and wind and rain, relationships with people who love us, and so on and so on. This is what is triggered in my thoughts by the "everything else" of the passage.

The context is a reassurance of God's love and salvation. So probably we are meant mainly to be thinking here about calling, justification, sanctification and glorification. However, thinking about those things also means that we need to think about the provision God makes to enable us to continue in a life of growing sanctity, including the material things and including our share in the 'free' benefits of our island planet home.

I can't help but pray corporately that God will somehow work things to the good; that the free benefits will continue to sustain us and that the instruments of governance and commerce will work for the common good that the life systems that give us our daily bread may continue to do so.
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Crosswalk.com - Romans 8:32:On Del.icio.us: , , , , , ,

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