08 December 2005

You can call me 'Master'

... of Arts.
I got my certificate through the post today declaring that I now have the degree of Master of Arts in Spiritual Direction, Life Coaching and Culture.
My thanks to the staff at Anglia who made it possible, and made a few rocky moments over funding a lot easier to deal with. I also give a hat tip to Bradford Diocese, particularly in the form of Paul Slater who funded it for my Sabbatical when I did the bulk of the ground work.
If you want to read the Thesis, it's here... as a .pdf, I can get you a digital copy if you want. Just leave a comment with an email addy or somesuch [though I suggest you leave it in the form "name AT domain dot whatever" to avoid the attentions of spambots and spiders].
Pastoral Theology (MA)

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Formation for participraying

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