06 June 2006

The hippies were right about happiness.

This is one of those things I read and come away hoping that it may be true:
He senses a questioning of the materialism that has driven society since the 80s. "The change in the zeitgeist is tremendously intriguing," he says. "I suspect that large numbers of British people have an intrinsic sense that the rat race is going too fast for our own good."
Or, as he put it in the Financial Times earlier this year: "The hippies, the Greens, the road protesters, the downsizers, the slow-food movement - all are having their quiet revenge. Routinely derided, the ideas of these down-to-earth philosophers are being confirmed by new statistical work by psychologists and economists." That article appeared under the headline: "The hippies were right all along about happiness."

If it is, we need to think about how we proclaim Christ into that; shouldn't be too hard, surely?
EducationGuardian.co.uk | Higher | Andrew Oswald: Ode to joy:
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