03 August 2009

Watch this case. Enlisted COing

One of the things military chaplains are supposed to do is to teach recruits about the ethics and morality of war. It may be that here is evidence that at least one of them succeeded in at least one case, the charged man in this case is saying: "when British military personnel submit themselves to the service of the nation and put their bodies into harm's way, the government that sends them into battle is obliged to ensure that the cause is just and right,"
Yes folks, that's one of the just war criteria. And relatedly, he may also be going for the 'reasonable chance of success' clause too: 'Glenton told the prime minister in his letter that the army mission would fail' See more here: Alleged British army deserter Joe Glenton appears at court martial | UK news | guardian.co.uk:

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Formation for participraying

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