05 November 2011

Honest scrap award

I've been ages (and then some) responding to this, but thought I'd give it a go ...Re-vis.e Re-form: Unknowingly memed and awarded: "10 HONEST things about myself and then nominate 7 other blogs that I think deserve to receive the Honest Scrap Award."
So ...
1 I don't drive. I've had about four lessons and have tended to either have too little money to learn when I've had the time or not enough time when I've had the money. Then the cost of car ownership and the fact that the thing loses money as soon as you take it off the forecourt, that cares are a major cause of death and injury (if they were cigarettes, they'd carry health warnings) and contribute majorly to climate change, have not encouraged me more recently to learn, either.
2 I watch TV at weekends and those days when I'm working from home -it's often a background noise for me (childhood thing). I'm amused and sometimes annoyed that heavy reain disables the satellite signal -so I rue that our area is not cabled.
3 I like reading alternative timeline stories: I really like that 'what if' thing and how plausible the author makes it. That goes for sci-fi in general.
4 I'm a top-down thinker rather than bottom up: I really function best when I'm able to situate new ideas in a big picture, otherwise I'm missing things while I'm asking myself how 'this' fits in with 'which' bigger framework.
5 I'm an ordained Anglican: been deacon for 23 years and in presbyteral orders for 22; I was ordained in Sheffield Cathedral by David Lunn and have spent most of my ministry in Yorkshire.
6 I really enjoy helping people connect with important insights (either personal or educational or faith-wise)
7 I've been discovering more and more that I fundamentally think theologically in ways that resonate with Barth and Moltmann. I seem to come to conclusions that they write about; so I read stuff by them with a sense that I recognise what they are saying and that they have articulated it better than I could have done (perhaps unsurprisingly).
8 politically I'm on the 'progressive' end of things but suspicious of a lot of leftist agendas even though I'm not at all convinced by much of the self-serving of much rightist thinking.
9 I have lived all my life in England, except for about nine months when I lived in Spain (San Sebastian /Donostia) In Spain I learnt Basque, to probably, intermediate level.
10 I was brought up in a commuter village so I'm never quite sure whether that makes me rural or urban by background. However, I prefer living in or close in to cities.

And in turn, and this this the hard bit (finding others who I think will be okay with it), I nominate 7 others ...
2 The Elves are heading West
3 Staring into the distance ....
4 Paradoxology
5 Pashfish
6 Nonsuch
7 Greenflame

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