27 February 2010

Brown's bullying -highlights why bullying is a bad thing

It's not just that it's not nice. It's not just that it harms people. It's that it makes for organisational stupidity and waste. Check out the whole article Brown's bullying has paralysed Labour | Jenni Russell | Comment is free | The Guardian if you're into the politics but the bullying issue is nicely summarised here: :
"Anyone who has worked alongside a bully knows how destabilising they can be. The tension and fright that a highly placed bully creates cascades down an organisation, as impotent subjects and witnesses relieve their own feelings by being sharp, tense or unfair to their colleagues or inferiors. Bad behaviour is legitimised, and anxiety gets in the way of good decision-making."

This is of a piece with the reasons for not creating classrooms where aggression and anxiety are normalised: it gets in the way of any but the most primitive, behaviouristic learning. I'we seen the effects in workplaces and would have to say that bullying deprives an organisation of talent by stealing the emotional security and energy needed to sustain and nurture creativity, good will and focus on proper mission. Instead you get people who become anxious, protective, defensive, and spending much time calming down and debriefing the latest assaults on their dignity.

Loving ones neighbour is good for corporate mission.

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