18 August 2010

Integrative body-mind training (IBMT) meditation found to boost brain connectivity

I predict that this is something to watch, see here: Integrative body-mind training (IBMT) meditation found to boost brain connectivity: "IBMT subjects in China had increased blood flow in the right anterior cingulate cortex after receiving training for 20 minutes a day over five days. Compared with the relaxation group, IBMT subjects also had lower heart rates and skin conductance responses, increased belly breathing amplitude and decreased chest respiration rates."

There is already a lot of evidence to show that meditation techniques lead to positive mind and body outcomes and so part of the issue is what it is that is helping and how many other techniques can and do share it. My suspicion is that IBMT is potentially the new 'TM' in that it is hyped and marketed as if it is a special way of meditating when, in fact, many meditation methods use similar if not identical techniques and produce similar results. That said, it does give opportunities for us to offer things from our traditions which can be said to be healthy and whole-some ...

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