06 August 2005

Why the future could be British

"Science fiction is booming and the British writers are leading the pack. For the first time in its 63-year history, all the writers nominated for the prestigious Hugo award for the best novel are British. The Hugos, named after science-fiction publishing legend Hugo Gernsback, are the genre writing equivalent of the Oscars."
And when you consider that the Brits have been innovative in the music biz (the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Punk, dance, U2 etc etc) ... I think that if we wanted to be proud, we could be ...

Anyway some interesting highlights:-
"Ian McDonald's nominated novel, River of Gods, playfully outsources cyberpunk sensibilities and technologies to India to create what he describes as "Khyberpunk".
they are better getting to grips with the ever-increasing pace of technological change, which makes prediction a trickier job than ever. "Change is so rapid, the far future is now only five years away,"

That's the remark of real interest to commentators. Future shock hits sci-fi.
BBC NEWS | Magazine | Why the future could be British:

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...