10 July 2007

Muslim group declares 'Terrorists are the enemies of us all'

In the past, a number of Muslim responses to terrorist acts in the name of Islam have seemed at times a little equivocal and sometimes seemed to be using words in a slippery sort of way (not all, and it is worth comparing with the way that Sinn Fein used to respond to IRA attacks). However this does seem pretty robust and I am glad.
"Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), said it was the 'Islamic duty' not only to utterly and totally condemn such actions, but to provide all the support necessary to prevent such atrocities from taking place."

And similarly encouraging is the website of the new 'not in our name' campaign from a new umbrella group called Muslims United. On it we find a clear statement about the matter and on a further page, a brief setting out of the mainstream (?) Muslim approach to war and violence. However, I do know that the points made are contested by Jihadis and I suspect that to equip Muslims to deal with them in their homes and masjids a more focussed and careful approach is needed. Given that this section is on a page dealing with an introduction to Islam, I suspect the target audience for it is people who are not Muslim and from personal experience I know that glossing over certain issues in favour of good PR is not unknown (hey, most religions and anti-religious organisations have people who do that).
Muslim group declares 'Terrorists are the enemies of us all' | the Daily Mail:

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