25 February 2004

Ah Wednesday

The idea is to blog stories from the forgiveness project site. Normally my approach is to get an overview and then work down into detail -iNtuitive approach according to Myers-Briggs. However I think that it could be valuable to try working the Sensing way: details build into picture.

Forgiveness is something that I constantly find eludes my grasp in understanding. I think that some of that is because people seem to mean different things by it and not all of them seem to 'fit' easily with God's forgiveness which is what I hope to appreciate better by doing this.

My own experience of forgiveness is of the utter sense of not being able to change something bad that I have done and the only hope for a restoration of relationship is the mercy of the other person. Of Forgiving I remember most prominently that in my teens, becoming a follower of Christ asn realising that I was called to forgive others and realising that I had a 'hit list' of people I would like to pay back for hurts inflicted on me [bullies mostly] and finding that mentally I was able to tear up that list -I can't now even remeber most of the people on it or what the hurts were.

I think I need to tryto process these things [and no doubt others that will be triggered by the reflections here] alongside the stories of others and then the theology.

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