25 April 2004

it's the black spot

There's part of me that loves this and part that wonders whether it will go the way of punk -co-opted by the system ... anyway, since, as a family we've started to look into fairly traded clothes this seems like something to check out too: anti-corporate sneakers.

Further comments can be found in Sheffield, apparently. The comment that most summed up my conflictual feelings about it were "Anti-capitalist capitalism??? Whatever next? War for peace?"

Useful follow up ideas ... best seemed to me to be:
The European Clean clothes campaign has a lot of reports and stats that can be downloaded or read online
This is a link to the latest report

March 2004, Sportswear Industry Data and Company Profiles

What is the price makeup of a 100 $ sportshoe


This is the uk site for Clean clothes campaign but it is rarely updated
but you can go on a mailing list
another uk site but not just clothing

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 In a meeting earlier today, I was taking notes and in order to try to express a nuance found myself making a neologism in the phrase, ...