14 May 2004

Ecological Footprint -loads of resources

. I've used pop eco-footprint quizzes in alternative worship before as an intro to issues of ecological justice. It's a good discussion starter and I usually have gone on to encouraging people to identify one or more practical steps they could take to reduce theirs. Apparently cutting fossil carbon use and eating less or no meat makes quite a big difference ... so ...

There's also a good page to get you started on thinking about how to put this into public policy at a local level. Once we start to take it seriously individually we start to come up against the ways that our local modi vivendi conspire against what we are trying to achieve, and so we need to do something about that .... and so on ...

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...