15 May 2004

Starbucks turning into good guys?

Read this article and see what you think.
This is alongside to their commitment to origins programme. However I'm still a little concerned; do you notice how in the coffee shops that they display the fair trade logo but when you examine the thing a bit more carefully you realise that it is only advertising the fact that you can get FT coffee if you ask for it [and it is usually only available in a cafetiere at £2.50 -which is quite good value as you can get 2-3 cups from it]. And I can't really get a straight answer on what commitment to origins means apart from that they put some ft and some organisc stuff on sale. In other words it looks to me like unless you specifically get ft it ain't ft or anything like ... but I'd be more than happy to hear I'm wrong or if someone knows more about what 'commitment to origins' means for Starbucks in words that I can understand...

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