23 July 2004


'C' for 'creative'.: "The two main drivers fuelling this trend? (1) The creative urges each consumer undeniably possesses. We're all artists, but until now we neither had the guts nor the means to go all ..."

This is so significant, it seems to me. It links in with important themes in pomo spirituality too, methinks. Cue Matthew Fox and Original BLessing [with which I tend to agree in what is proposed but disagree somewhat in what is denied].

The intersting thing is what happens to and in a society of artists? Does fame become democratized? [Cue Andy Warhol]. IT feels like a simiular question to ask as 'what happens in a society of graduates?'. In rleation to the latter, the interesting thing is Star Trek which, in TNG, clearly envisages just such a society as the ST uhuman universe is clearly just such a society of, in our terms, graduates and artists with instantly searchable databases [cf Gmail, again] to gain access to stuff. I think I need more time to think about this, though I think also that at its best SF is a means to help spark our imaginations to think what could be and the pros and cons of it all ... anyone else prepared to venture some thought?

Of course it is all massively relevant to the ideals of alt.worship and emerging church. The question is how do we 'empower' the developments and use them wisely and upbuildingly?

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