23 September 2004

hate speech and violence

Maggi Dawn has been blogging lately about bullying violence etc, and I found a reference twice today to a speech/sermon by Jimmy Swaggart on the topic of homosexual people. Dave Batstone's refelction led him to mull over reactions by some badly taught Christians and unChristlike attitudes they [we] might have in relation to disagreements which take contempt to the nth degree. He writes: "...this time I did write back a short note asking how he, in turn, could call himself a Christian and use such profane, violent words toward another human being. His e-mail back to me was revealing, albeit shocking: "I can write to you as I like, for you are not a human being. You have forfeited that right; you are nothing but pond scum."
"That's the theological loophole for what passes as Christian morality these days. Simply demonstrate why the other person, or race of people, has forfeited their status as a human being, and you can do with them what you will. By the way, that is the same theological loophole used by the church in Latin America to justify the massacre of millions of native Americans during the Conquest; they were not deemed human beings"

Literally dehumanising; the stock in trade of bullies and military might everywehere and everywhen. What would Jesus do?

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