28 October 2004

The disenfranchised -again

Continuing my reflections on the fact that most of the poeple who will be most deeply impacted by the USA's presidential elections cannot vote because they are not USAyers ...
"Africa roots for Kerry. Few premiers are so undiplomatic as to say it publicly but commentators and ordinary people across the continent are loud and proud in voicing support for the Democrat. It is not that they know or like him. Besides promising a more robust challenge to Sudanese abuses in Darfur Kerry has said little about Africa. Nor are they especially impressed by his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, romanticising her upbringing in Mozambique and South Africa. It is enough that Kerry is not Bush. "

Its about Iraq, unilateralism, contempt for the UN ... all of which make Africans nervous and raise spectres of colonialist attitudes. The reality may be that whoever is in charge it won't actually make that much difference to Africa unles there's a sea-change in what is actually done as opposed to what is trailed.

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