19 December 2004

Bewary: wilful misquotes

There's sometimes a lot at stake so have a look at this case of journalisitc disintegrity:
to ensure that a quotation fits with his message. According to Milloy, Thompson said, “Any prudent person would agree that we don’t yet understand the complexities with the climate system.” But what he actually said was “Any prudent person would agree that we don’t yet understand the complexities with the climate system and, since we don’t, we should be extremely cautious in how much we ‘tweak’ the system.” (see full press release here). Such manipulations are designed so that Milloy can’t be accused of misquoting,
It's such a shame that so many in the USA particularly seem so keen to believe that they don't have to face up to anthropogenic climate change ... denial isn't a just river in Egypt ....
REad the whole artilce to get a better sense of the scientific consensus [yes it really is that] on climate change. Better browse the whole blog and add it to your collection of RSS feeds.
RealClimate � Fox News gets it wrong

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