06 December 2004

Light of the World

As we are in Advent and Christmas is approaching I will take this opportunity to share some lyrics which I wrote a handful of years ago. The tune is 'O Sacred King' by Matt Redman and I have tended to use a rather nice backing track on Re:Source 2000 as it has the right kind of feel.
I've tried to write something that is theologically beefy with ancient resonances as well as poetically evocative of the scientific language that goes around the edges of mystical writing nowadays.

Light of the World
of glory poured
Word of God fleshed out in spacetime
Love of God tested in pain

O gladdening light
enlightening all
we embrace love you've made human
light of truth that sets us free

For it's the mystery of the universe
the uncreated makes a home
in created time and space.
And now you share your self with us
pouring Godlife into death
breaking open life in us.

Jesus, Splice eternity in us
encode in us your Godwardness
and centre us.

Copyright © Andii Bowsher 2000
It's Creative commons; in this case it by all means non-commercially, just attribute.

I've tended to use it as an opening song in Advent through to Candlemas alongside a candle lighting opening prayer or activity.

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