13 April 2005

EU constitution -French 'Non'?

In the light of the British Murdoch press opposition to EU, this is an ironic thing to discover. "The [French] opposition Socialist party is on the brink of a permanent split over the issue: many senior members are openly advocating a no vote to what they see as a blueprint for a neo-liberal, market-driven, Anglo-Saxon Europe."
How others see us! The Brit right are worried sick that the EU will mean watering down British culture, values etc and the staunchestly pro-EU nation is worried sick that Anglo-Saxon values will dominate. Brits don't realise when they've got it good.
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Chirac seeks to salvage EU constitution:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I've no strong feelings on the EU constitution yet; once it's really final and we have to decide, I'll look at it seriously :-)

However, I have to say that if our politicians think it's too French and the French think it's too British - perhaps it's about right?

pax et bonum

Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...