30 April 2005

Finding Faith the SpiDir way

A tip of the Hat to Tom Allen as he reflects: "what we need to offer to SOME people searching for faith who would not respond or find faith in the more directive but no less appropriate approaches such as Alpha and Emmaus."

Which in various forums I have said pretty much myself: I think that this is a vitally important way forward for Christians to take on board. Especially in a world which is increasingly marked by the cusomisation of goods and services, in such a cuslture it makes les and less sense to go in for mass or group programmes like Alpha, we will need to offer prayer guides, meditation teachers, spiritual-life coaches and so on and so forth.

Significant? I think so

Bigbulkyanglican: Finding Faith 2:

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...