17 October 2005

Condi vs Hillary?

A substancial extract from the Observer of a new book suggesting that the 2008 presidential race in USA could be between two women. "The election of 2008 will be the next great presidential race. With the possibility of two popular women as candidates, the voters will make history." I don't necessarily have the background to comment but there is a good case made for both in this extract. I've been saying for some years now that Hillary Rodham Clinton is a likely president, the new idea for me is Condoleeza Rice being there in the candidacy aswell.
Important to us all as the USA's world standing means that the rest of us may not be able to vote in that election but it affects some of us perhaps as much as if it were our country. In fact there are some in the world who are arguably affected more than some US citizens are.
The Observer | Review | An extract from Condi vs Hillary by Dick Morris:

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