17 October 2005

More on Digiborigines at Freshblog

Over at Freshblog there is a real engagement with the idea of digiborigines and a further thought is offered about the difference between digiborigines and digital immigrants:
Perhaps digital immigrants use technology for information retrieval but communicate that information more conventionally. Digiborigines use technology both for retrieval and for seamless & integrated communication of their information?

It seems to me that there is something in this. Though I suspect that this definition makes me a digiborigine, and I'm not sure I am, I think that I'm an immigrant though a well-integrated one. So it's left me thinking; why do I think that I'm an immigrant rather than a digiborigine? I think it comes down to not being brought up with much ICT, [though I was pretty keen on TV one we got it] and usually being too financially challenged to be an early adopter. On the other hand, though, I have tended to be keen to adopt early and in fact have usually done so ahead of many of my peers [though behind the real early adopters]. My mindset seems more about "what possibilities does this offer?" than "I'm happy as I am, just leave me with what I've got." I often feel I was born just a bit too early for my mindset ... so maybe I'm not the person to be having a go at defining it!
More on Digiborigines - Freshblog: On Del.icio.us: , , , , ,

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...