20 November 2005

Paternoster rosary 5.2 - Matthew 6:21

This too might seem to be a verse not immediate in its relevance to the part of the Lord's prayer "Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil".
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also

The basic way that I tend to use it is to ask myself, "what do I treasure", and the answer becomes an invitation to recognise that it is at the points in my life where I most treasure things, people or principles that I may be in the greatest danger of putting the cart before the horse or outrightly making wrong decisions.

For example, if I treasure the good regard of people around me I am in danger of 'people pleasing', that is putting saving face or maintaining reputation before doing God's will in some cases. That's not to say that rep is wrong: it could serve the gospel, for example. However, if desire to be thought well of is too primary, it could stop me drawing back from an invitation to do something 'important' when I am really being called to serve my sick wife or to make a phone call to a friend.

It would be my treasuring of that thing that skews my valuing of things away from God's valuing of them...
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Formation for participraying

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