14 November 2005

terror suspects 'stopped near nuclear plant'

If you want to understand why some of us think that in the current political climate nuclear power is a disaster waiting to happen and a potential threat to civil liberties, read this.

There are too many ways to attack a nuclear plant and the effects, aside from power blackouts, are horrible to contemplate: think Chernabyl and Three Mile Island and radioactive fall-out. Then think, the authorities would [eventually] recognise it as a major security issue, and what will they do, given the OTT knee-jerkery the British government has been party to in the last three years.

The way to go is decentralised power and energy efficiency, repeat after me: "Local and organic goes for power too".
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Australia terror suspects 'were stopped near nuclear plant' On Del.icio.us: , , , ,

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...