15 February 2006

text prayers and WiFi Phones

What will happen to the mobile network carriers when we don't need their networks? ... Nokia have announced the launch of their UMA network solution that allows ... their phones to operate on WiFi and WiLan networks.
Gizmag says:
UMA technology enables the use of broadband and unlicensed access technologies, such as WLAN (WiFi) to offer and expand mobility to users of voice and data services.

I suspect that among other things this will enable the use of mobiles reasonably easily to text messages with prayer requests within a church service which could then be displayed as part of the prayer of the church ...
PSFK: Nokia Makes Network Play With WiFi Phone:
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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...