28 March 2006

ETA ceasefire: What will the future bring?

For further prayer: here are the principal issues that can now be worked through following ETA's announcement of ceasefire. There should be two 'tables', that is strands of the process;
in the first Zapatero's Government and ETA would deal with the situation of prisoners and refugees, the reintegration into society of band members and the disarmament of the band, terms to dump ETA's arms. In parallel with these negotiations a table for political normalisation would be set up. There, every Basque political party would take part. This table would tackle the important issues that have been in the limelight in Euskadi for decades. These are the judicial-political frame, that is, the relationship of Euskadi with the State, links between the Basque Autonomous Region and Navarre, the right to decide of the Basque Country: the right to self-determination, and the referendum or popular consult on the future of the country. Furthermore, the statute reform would rise territoriality issues.
The compensation for the victims of the conflict will be another of the issues to solve in the process.

ETA ceasefire: What will the future bring?:
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Formation for participraying

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