06 March 2006

Nukes: pros and cons ...

This summarises a new report attempting an impartial assessment of nuclear power and finds against, on balance for these reasons.
the research establishes that even if the UK’s existing nuclear capacity was doubled, it would only give an 8% cut on CO2 emissions by 2035 (and nothing before 2010). This must be set against the risks.
The report identifies five major disadvantages to nuclear power:
1. Long-term waste – no long term solutions are yet available ... impossible to guarantee safety ...
2. Cost – the economics of nuclear new-build are highly uncertain. ...little, if any, justification for public subsidy, ... clear risk that the taxpayer will be have to pick up the tab.
3. Inflexibility – ... would lock the UK into a centralised distribution system ... when opportunities for microgeneration and local distribution network are stronger than ever.
4. Undermining energy efficiency – ... wrong signal to consumers and businesses, ... weakening the urgent action needed on energy efficiency.
5. International security – ... we cannot deny other countries the same technology*.... higher risks of accidents, radiation exposure, proliferation and terrorist attacks.

As a Christian I am concerned with the peace of the world that I pray for and the honouring of the creation of God; all these things concern us for a network of reasons.
Sustainable Development Commission UK (SDC): Press:
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