12 April 2006

Act now to stop more incineration

UK resi's can use this site to encourage the government via their consultation on waste disposal to move away from incineration which requires fossil fuels and produces greenhouse gases. My tip is to have a go at tweaking the wording so that it doesn't look too manufactured and so be ignored.
Here's my tweak:
Dear Sir / Madam,

Why is the Government planning to force through a large increase in incineration capacity in England? In view of manifesto and treaty commitments to reduce global warming gas emissions, I think that the government should focus instead on increasing recycling and composting and on waste prevention measures.

So, I would like to see the following actions:

- A commitment to high recycling and composting targets for household waste, aiming for 75% by 2015. (This *is* possible: Belgian Flanders is already recycling 71 per cent of its household waste).

- Let local councils charge households for the amount of rubbish produced (after recycling is taken out). Rather than everyone paying the same through council tax, those who recycle and reduce waste production will pay less than those who don't.

- Tax incineration to encourage councils to maximise recycling, which is a more effective way of tackling climate change.

- Compulsory targets for supermarkets and other corporate bodies for reducing the amount of waste they produce, particularly waste which cannot be recycled or composted.

Please accept this email as a response to the consultation on England's Waste Strategy.

Yours sincerely,
Friends of the Earth: Campaigns: Waste: Press for change: Act now to stop more incineration

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