16 August 2006

Aramaic Lord's Prayer -a further reprise

It's interesting to note that the squidoo site I built as a more centralised repository for information about the alleged translation from the Aramaic of the Lord's prayer has been getting steadily more hits and seems to be working its way up the rankings of search engines when terms such as 'Aramaic' and 'Lord's prayer' are used. As I've been alert to and so following up Aramaic Lord's prayer items myself, I've realised that it's a modestly important theme in DIY spirituality matters. So I commend it to you if you are interested in such matters and you haven't already checked it out.

It's an interest that has begun to take hold of me a bit more too. I've researched the Aramaic myself somewhat and am continuing to do so -I've even learnt the prayer in Aramaic [and had lots of linguistic fun with the pharyngeals and trying to distinguish the sibilants and the vowels]. It's got to the point where I can have a rough go at parsing odds and ends of Aramaic.
Aramaic Lord's Prayer on Squidoo
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