23 August 2006

A Rest and Reflection Action Plan

I thought that this brief checklist about 'time out for/with God' was worth noting.
Diverting Daily
In my attempt to take a daily quiet time for the purposes of gaining perspective and growing in my relationship with God, I am:
__ Doing well __Needing improvement __Doing poorly
My action plan is to:_______________________________

Withdrawing Weekly
In my attempt to take a weekly Sabbath day for the purposes of gaining perspective, physical refreshment, family health and growing in my relationship with God, I am:
__ Doing well __Needing improvement __Doing poorly
My action plan is to:_______________________________

Maintaining Monthly
In my attempt to take a monthly retreat day for the purposes of gaining perspective, concentrated prayer and listening and growing in my relationship with God, I am:
__ Doing well __Needing improvement __Doing poorly
My action plan is to:_______________________________
Abandoning Annually
In my attempt to take a yearly retreat of at least three days for the purposes of gaining perspective and concentrating deeply on my relationship with God, I am:
__ Doing well __Needing improvement __Doing poorly
My action plan is to:_______________________________

from A Natural Church Development Resource Kit for Pastors and Church Leaders - Guidebook
Robert E. Logan & Thomas T. Clegg with Jeanette Buller. Permission to post from http://www.ChurchSmart.com

Praying Pastor Blog: A Rest and Reflection Action Plan:
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