30 November 2006

Under God or Under Darwin?

Having just finished teaching a mini course to year nines on origins, the whole thing about arguments of design, evolution etc has been quite uppermost in my mind of late. And then I've also been inducting year tens into the basics of Islam. So I simply had to note this article I found via Evolution News and Views.
Anyway, the intriguing thing here is summed up by this:
As the history of the cultural conflict between the modern West and Islam shows, ID can also be a bridge between these two civilizations. The first bricks of that bridge are now being laid in the Islamic world. In Turkey, the current debate over ID has attracted much attention in the Islamic media. Islamic newspapers are publishing translations of pieces by the leading figures of the ID movement, such as Michael J. Behe and Phillip E. Johnson. The Discovery Institute is praised in their news stories and depicted as the vanguard in the case for God, and President Bush's support for ID is gaining sympathy. For many decades the cultural debate in Turkey has been between secularists who quote modern Western sources and Muslims who quote traditional Islamic sources. Now, for the first time, Muslims are discovering that they share a common cause with the believers in the West. For the first time, the West appears to be the antidote to, not the source of, the materialist plague.

It's interesting to note too that ID is being misdescribed by atheist opponents by being lumped in with creationism and that a lot of the UK press seem to have been taken in by that piece of propaganda.

Discovery Institute - Article Database - Under God or Under Darwin?
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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...