21 February 2007

Mustard Seed Lent

You may or may not have realised that I'm a big fan of Tom Sine (Mustard Seed vs McWorld) and so have signed up for the updates that come from the 'Mustard Seed' stable. So, today being the first of Lent, I recommend to you their guidance for the Lenten journey. There's a free download of a pdf. I've put a copy onto my PDA to read as I commute.
Over the six weeks of Lent as we journey with Christ toward the cross we want to examine these areas of brokenness and explore how we can move closer to God and more effectively be God’s hands of healing and wholeness. Our journey will begin with an exploration of the barriers within ourselves that resist God’s will. In the second and third weeks we will confront some of the barriers that separate us from other human beings. In the fourth week we will explore barriers that separate us from God’s creation. In the fifth week of Lent we will confront some of the barriers that isolate us from other parts of God’s family and in Holy week (the sixth week) we will focus on Good Friday and Jesus final walk to the Cross.

On another related note, I was reflecting, on the way to the Ashing service this morning, that the ash thing actually plays quite well with Paul's theme about building with silver and gold as opposed to stuff that is ultimately 'combustable' and cannot pass through the fire of judgement. I find myself wondering why this passage isn't the one we get for Ash Wednesday. It would certainly be an interesting one to use and to associate with the ashing: the ash becomes a carrier of symbolic value for things that we are wanting to leave behind as being not of eternal value to us and the words about dust, death and repentance gain much more value...

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