23 February 2007

Theological education 2.0?

Steve Taylor has been writing a course on missional church leadership and is looking for a lot of it to be done in dispersed community mode. Outlining some of the characteristics, he asks:
is this a step toward Theological Education 2.0?

I think that it may be. It's certainly in line with the kinds of things that I would be keen to see tried out. I think that it's important that the technology serves a relationship between student and 'teacher' rather than being a substitute for it. We should note however, that it further dehierarchalises the relationship (a good thing imho) and continues the move towards a contextual approach to formation which tends to put more emphasis on the theological enterprise as interpretation in relation to personal and communal context. However, the wider network adds an interesting potential catholicity to the mix which could be the genius of TE2.0 .... ?
e~mergent kiwi: Theological education 2.0: Filed in: , , ,

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