20 February 2007

What should I do with this spam?

I got this today, I'm very tempted to reply with a view to giving them a bit of a runaround using a false email. What do you think? I've also made sure that the email address is active to be picked up by bots.
We are pleased to inform you of the final announcement that you are one
of our end of year winners of the UNITED KINGDOM FREE LOTTERY ONLINE
PROMO PROGRAMMER, Ticket NumRef: UKLOSL/941OYI/53 Batch: 19/47/1153
held on the 6th of feb, 2007. You have therefore been approved to claim a
total sum of £113,334 POUNDS STERLING. Please contact fiduciary
agent for your claims.

To file for your claim, Please contact our Fiduciary Agent for

Mr. Richard Wayne.
EMAIL: fiduciary.agent_richardwayne2007@yahoo.co.uk
With the following details:

1. Full Names:
2. Address:
3. Age:
4. Sex:
5. Marital Status:
6. Occupation:
7. Phone numbers:
8. Fax number:
9. Country:

Yours Truly,
Mr. Scott parker.

Filed in:


Anonymous said...

Lol. That's funny. I'm sure that the agent of a major lottery is going to be using a free yahoo email account. :-/

Andii said...

Quite so. Though, to be fair, it could be an anti-spam measure ... ;-)

Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...