23 April 2007

Here's what I want to say ...

Every so often, I come across something that says a shed-load of things that I tend to agree with and I want to stand up and shout, "hear, hear". So while the context of this piece is local elections in Glasgow and the candidacy of the British National party, the same points are the kind of things I would want the parents (or whoever is poisoning the minds) of the teenagers in year 10 I was until recently teaching about racism etc. Here's what Walton says. I've snipped pieces to focus on the things I'm really keen to amplify.
They say Glasgow is the asylum capital of the UK, and complain about 'bogus' asylum seekers streaming here to get everything handed to them on a plate, while poor honest British drunken scum languish without the price of the next pint.

That's just what annoys me about the fascist rhetoric; not only inaccurate but failing to point the finger at the feckless natives who, apparently want to complain about 'them' taking 'our' jobs but not actually wanting to do those jobs themselves -of which there are many- so they leave them to those who come in. Hark at me; sounding like a 1980s Tory!
You'd think Glasgow was a tropical paradise that everyone wanted to live in. It is the asylum capital of the UK - but that's because the city council takes asylum seekers because they have so much sub-standard accommodation - that locals won't live in - and get paid by central government to house them. ....

Too right. It makes me angry that 'we' then go and add to their trauma by victimising and scapegoating them. Sheesh.
Asylum seekers are generally fine human beings who have got into trouble for standing up for their principals in the world's trouble spots. And since British imperialism, past and present, economic, cultural and military, is the cause of much of the trouble in the world, the least Britain can do is grant asylum.
Yeh, while we're apologising for our negative historical impacts as a nation, how about doing a little bit of helping out those who are victims today? And in fact, we need to realised this:
The truth is, Britain would collapse without immigrants. The NHS would collapse first - about a third of its staff are immigrants. Then the pension schemes and the tax base and national insurance. Britain has low unemployment - without immigrants, there'd be no one to do the menial work the British are not prepared to do themselves.
See above.
Rather than immigrants sponging off British people, it's the other way around: Britain sponges off the rest of the world. The country can't feed itself, and its clothes are produced in India and China. It's rich because of its imperial history, and it can afford to keep the rest of the world in servitude. Immigrants pay tax, but can't claim the benefits of that tax, because they are not citizens. The BNP vote are unemployable because they are too drunk, lazy and stupid to succeed, despite living in a nanny state where everything is handed to them on a plate. They blame hardworking immigrants for their failure.
Sounds harsh, but I have to say, it really sort of looks that way.
And then there's the really scary bit.
But having said all of that, the real fascist threat to Britain doesn't come from the BNP - it comes from New Labour. They are the ones who have embarked on new imperialist adventures, put a CCTV camera on every street, introduced the database state and proposed biometric ID cards. I don't know what the Nazis are complaining about - Blair, Brown and Reid are marching us towards fascism as fast as they can.

Quite so. And the reason is that they know that in an increasingly insecure world (cue projections on climate change effects) "strong" government may manage to come out on top in the global order. They are betting we will corporately prefer comfort to justice and to export violence for the sake of 'peace' at home. We're being softened up for a new world order built on the violent enthrallment of other nations. It's the UK response to the Project for a New American Century. At least that's how it looks to me an my more paranoid days. Dear God, I hope I'm wrong.
Red Star Coven: The fascist threat to Britain

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