22 August 2007

Breakthrough in solar power in Wales

This looks like a potentially very significant breakthrough in the search for mass distributed solar power: "those behind the Welsh operation think they may have made a crucial breakthrough. Their solar cell works in a different way from most, and is not based on silicon - the expensive raw material for conventional solar cells. G24 Innovations (G24i), the company making the new cells, says it can produce and sell them for about a fifth of the price of silicon-based versions. At present, it makes only small-scale chargers for equipment such as mobile phones and MP3 players. But it says larger panels could follow - large enough to replace polluting fossil fuels by generating electricity for large buildings.... The new so-called Graetzel cells offered a simpler and potentially cheaper way to generate solar power."
David Adam on solar power in Wales | The Guardian | Guardian Unlimited:

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...