24 October 2007

Free will and free won't

When I first looked into this, I thought I was going to find something that perhaps counted against my thesis about temptation in considering the Genesis account of the Serpent's offer. In fact it seems to play right into it. What it does raise is the intriguing possibility that neural connection between this 'won't' and linguistic negation could be found ... though if they aren't I'm not sure that it would prove or disprove anything."'The capacity to withhold an action that we have prepared but reconsidered is an important distinction between intelligent and impulsive behavior,' says Brass, 'and also between humans and other animals.' "
A remark which opens up the possibility of seeing the temptation story as marking a decisive test of hominization; with the concomitant idea that we are not actually yet fully human. In fact, the temptation of Christ represents the hominization of the human race in which we can come to participate by being incorporated into Christ ...
Separate Areas Of Brain Responsible For 'Self-Control' And 'Taking Action' May Help Explain Why Some People Are Impulsive:

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...