26 November 2007

Posada chainblog 2007?

Sally has just enquired whether I was thinking of doing the Posada chainblog again. It's funny, but I was just wondering that yesterday as my church in Ryton are attempting to set one up ecumenically... So if anyone would like to see it happen again or has any comments about doing it better another time, let me know promptly!

I did find getting posters everyday was quite a hassle in the end, and I'm wondering whether a lower key approach would be better. Though I'm not sure what that would look like ... perhaps not organising a master list myself but rather simply 'releasing the couple into the wild': a true chain where someone simply picks up the chain by leaving a comment on the latest place of arrival with a link to their own post. I like the idea of maybe taking the picture from blog to blog.
I think that it would need a sense that there are enough potential takers to make it work without stranding the couple in cyber limbo.
Nouslife: Posada chainblog 2006. Start here.

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Formation for participraying

As I've been thinking about the difference between group processes for intercessory (rather than 'merely' petitionary) prayer me...