22 December 2007

eLearning via facebook

I'm investigating elearning tools at the mo as our college is starting to talk about elearning quite in earnest I judge. I'd never considered Facebook as a possible forum but the author of this article does and has produced some elearning stuff for facebook. The 'killer' objection might be the fact that facebook is distracting, but then there's this good riposte to that.
why don't we consider the acquisition of productivity skills to be just as important as basic reading and writing skills for future workers of the twenty-first century? It's essential that students learn how to overcome distraction. They should be encouraged to participate on sites like Facebook to increase their presence on the social graph and learn about collaboration and network interactions—all while developing skills that will help them cope with a world that will always be full of distractions.

eLearn: Opinions:

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