17 February 2008

Pitch Processing In Brain

I seem to recall seeing something before about pitch, language and music. This may be related: Linguist Tunes In To Pitch Processing In Brain. For me it's interesting that "data reveal that melody of speech is processed in neither a single region nor a specific hemisphere, but engages multiple areas comprising large-scale networks that involve both hemispheres. 'And moreover, we find that these networks are not circumscribed to language processes, but instead interact with more general sensory-motor and cognitive process in addition to those associated with language,'" Not least because this seems to offer a possibility that rooting language in basic bodily metaphors (as per Philosophy in the Flesh) may be well-founded in brain processing. It may indicate that the theory that prosody precedes phonology has some merit to consider further ... but I'll be keeping an open mind on that just now.

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