27 February 2008

What Are The 'Grand Challenges' for Theology for the 21st Century?

Thanks to Kester for posing an intriguing question at The Complex Christ | Signs of Emergence: What Are The 'Grand Challenges' for Theology for the 21st Century?: and then asking a dozen or so acquaintances to give brief answers to "what might a list of the grand theological challenges of the next 100 years look like?"
I've added a comment for my two penn'orth.
Personally I suspect one of the big challenges will be to articulate a way of dealing with plural religious experiences in a society where we know a lot more about the way the brain works. Neurotheology meets experiential pluralism. I suspect we will struggle with plausibility structures in wider society that will favour Buddhist-style takes on mind and spirituality -impersonal ultimate reality, modular mind and 'fictional' self etc
I'm wondering whether I can encourage any readers to 'bite' on this question?

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