08 May 2008

15 Strangely Shaped Trees

Some of these look a bit 'rude' but some are really just amazing.

I find these a light relief at the moment from an outstandingly busy time in my life: I have my heaviest teaching load in the academic year just at the time when reports have to be done and there's a load of marking of reports following the deadline at the start of this term. Added to which I wasn't able to get a march on designing the learning for this term's teaching because last term (when I'd normally have started on it) my daughter's accident threw everything into a turmoil. So if you are a praying sort, please pray for wisdom on my part and helpful synergies and synchronicities to help me. If you aren't a praying sort, I still appreciate it if you think kindly on me!
Any way, regular-ish visitors may now know why I've not been posting much lately: I've been digesting mission history and trying to help others learn from it.
15 Strangely Shaped Trees

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